Mediation of information technology in Parliament: a study of the surrounding context Brazilian legislature
Mediação da informação, Fluxo de informação, Parlamento eletrônico, Assembléia Legislativa de Santa Catarina.Abstract
This article synthesizes the results of the research which analyzed the flow of information in the internal environment of The State legislature of Santa Catarina, with a focus on the use of Technologies of Information and Communication - TIC for informational mediation. The study, of quantitative and qualitative character, found that the institution lacks an integrated and strategic policy in the sense of promoting technological mediation of information in its internal environment, this fact contributing to the fragmentation of information and difficulties as much for its recovery as for its use by the user. As a consequence, there is a significant recurrence by users of informal resources to supply their information needs, besides significant use of human sources and channels and printed material. It is concluded that the State Legislature of Santa Catarina has a long way to go to reach a more transparent participative and efficient management, with respect to technological mediation of the information inherent to electronic parliaments since the beginning of the 21st century.Downloads
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How to Cite
Dalbosco, V., & Viera, A. F. G. (2011). Mediation of information technology in Parliament: a study of the surrounding context Brazilian legislature. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 21(3). Retrieved from
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