REFLECTION ON THE EROTIC IN THE LEVINAS'S WORK “TIME AND THE OTHER"<a href=""><i> <b>[doi: 10.7443/problemata.v3i1.12998]</b></i></a>


  • José Tadeu Batista de Souza



Erótica, Alteridade, Feminilidade, Fecundidade, Paternidade


We propound to present the Levinasian reflection on the erotic in the work “Time and the Other”. It deals with an exposure of the categories utilized by Levinas to present the erotic as a possible framework of performing the experience of the original relationship with the other, respecting his otherness. He suggests the erotic relationship as a situation capable of displaying “the purity of the otherness of the other”, an idea of otherness that is not a simple inversion of the identity. His intention is to defend a conception of otherness as an own way of being of the other. He presents the category of the feminine as a term that “absolutely retains its otherwise”. Here he is concerned in exposing his comprehension of “sexual difference”, distinguishing it from the “logical division in genera and species”, the “contradiction”, and the “duality”. He proposes the caress as a mode of contact that is concretized beyond itself, the objectivity and opens itself to the inaccessible future. Lastly, he makes the concept of fecundity explicit, showing how in the erotic “the self can convert itself into different of itself”, which is made possible through paternity.
KEYWORDS: Erotic. Otherness. Femininity. Fecundity. Paternity.


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