



Heidegger. Individuation. Historicality. Movement. Modality.


In the existential analytic of Being and Time, Heidegger interpreted human existence as determined by existential possibilities. However, a corresponding concept of existential individuation was not presented. In this article, I outline an interpretation of the existential notion of individuation based on the historicality of existence. My hypothesis is that the occurrence of personal existence is the formation of individuation in the mode of being of existence. Over the course of his existential analysis of the structure of the historical movement, Heidegger identified a limit that was called “the enigma of movement”. Without intending to solve or eliminate this enigma, I present an analysis of the modal dimension of the historical mobility of existence, in order to open a new perspective for developing an existential notion of individuation.


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Author Biography

Róbson Ramos dos Reis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professor Titular no Departamento de Filosofia, área de pesquisa: Fenomenologia, Hermenêutica, Metafísica, Fenomenologia aplicada.


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