
  • Rosalvo Schütz



Nature, Future, Criticism, Open system


The influence of F. Schelling on the theory of Ernst Bloch is unquestionable. However, hypotheses, such as those of Jürgen Habermas, suggest that this influence would have undermined the critical character of his theory, inasmuch as it would have led the author to overestimate a kind of speculative materialism, to the detriment of the conscious and intentional intervention of human praxis. Therefore, Bloch could be nominated as a Schelling Marxist, that is, closer to Schelling than to Marx. Here we intend to indicate that, on the contrary, Bloch enlarged and deepened the critical- revolutionary character of his theory by approaching Schelling's philosophy, namely his understand- ing of nature in becoming, and the corresponding conception of knowledge as an open system. Strengthened by Schelling's critical appropriation, Bloch's theory contributes in a unique way to the visualization of a theoretical horizon where, without falling into the absolutization of the subject, hope and engagement become permanently possible. Bloch, then, is a Schellingian Marx.


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Author Biography

Rosalvo Schütz

Professor de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. Doutor em filosofia pela Universidade de Kassel (Alemanha), com bolsa do DAAD. Bolsista de produtividade do CNPq e Pós-doutorando em Filosofia na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul.


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SCHÜTZ, R. Bloch, ein schellingianischer Marx? Überlegungen zu den Voraussetzungen einer engagierten Philosophie. In: ZELLINGER, D. (Hrsg.). Vorschein. Jahrbuch der Ernst-Bloch-Assoziation, Vol. 33. Ernst Bloch – “Ein marxistischer Schelling?” Nürnberg: Anton Verlag, 2014. S. 81-94.
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