
  • Nicolle Lemos Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Genealogy, Genetic Fallacy, Moral, Naturalization


Many researchers on nietzschian philosophy, while in the aim of analyzing their moral genealogy, point out that the philosopher commits the genetic fallacy when evaluating moral values based on their provenance. In this paper, I intend to prove that Nietzsche not only does not commit the genetic fallacy based on his own understanding of what morality and the genealogic procedure are, but also that he is the one critic of those who commit such fallacy. Once the philosopher naturalizes the moral through the will to power doctrine, the values are understood as projections that conserve, potentialize and cultivate a type of man. Therefore, the genealogic investigation of moral values seeks to unveil what kind of life moral benefits and cultivates. Moreover, Nietzsche’s analysis is not limited to investigate only how some affections and instincts create and reinforce our beliefs and values, but also how some of them fortify our affections and instincts.


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