


Political philosophy, Theorie of justice, Rawls, Citizenship, Criticism


The objective of this article is to propose a reinterpretation of the conception of citizenship present in Rawls' theory of justice. We will carry out this study, mobilizing the analytical categories of the critical theory of society, with which we will identify, on the one hand, the strength of Rawls' theory of justice and, on the other, its fragility in the face of the administrative State. Through the dialectical method, we will show that the categorical parameters of Rawls' Theory of Justice oscillate between the idea of ​​popular sovereignty and the abstract concept of citizen. As a result of this investigation, we concluded that the Rawlsian citizen is easily subjected and neutralized by the authoritarian tendency of the administrative State, to the detriment of the constitutional State. Therefore, social liberalism cannot support a strong concept of freedom, which is consistent with the collective exercise of public freedoms and with the idea of ​​popular sovereignty, since this is incompatible with the individualist or atomist conception of citizenship.


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Author Biography

Luís Sérgio de Oliveira Lopes, Controladoria-Geral da União

Luís Sérgio de Oliveira Lopes, known in academia as Luis Satie, holds a Master's and Doctorate in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a Doctorate in Philosophy and Social Sciences from the Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et les Langages (CRAL), advanced research laboratory of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (CNRS/EHESS-Paris). He is a professor in the areas of Philosophy, Sociology and Law and a free researcher, having worked in the Neokantismo and Contemporary Philosophy Group/CNPq/UFPB. He completed a post-doctoral internship in Normative Political Philosophy at the Centre d'Études Sociologiques et Politiques Raymond Aron (CNRS/CESPRA/EHESS), under the direction of Prof. Luc Foisneau. His research program suggests a paradigm shift in legal philosophy, based on what he calls the Aesthetic Theory of Law, a philosophy of law guided by sensible reason.


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