
  • Rhamon Kalliel Martins de Pontes Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB).


Philosophy, Theory of Law, Scholastic Medieval Philosophy, Law, Thomism


Abstract: The study of theories of law is strictly necessary for the study of law, mainly because it is the reason for law. In this sense, the work in question aims to address the doctrine that Thomas Aquinas sets out in his works on the legal norm, specifically, on human law, unraveling its origin, its usefulness, its classification, the extent of its powers and its mutability. To this end, a direct bibliographical-qualitative survey of the Aquinate's work was carried out, especially the texts of De Lege and De Iustitia, in addition to the subsidiary use of authors such as Javier Hervada (2000), Villey (2009), Cunha (2019), Copleston (2000) and Maritain (1944) to explain the Aquinate's texts. It was concluded that the work of Thomas Aquinas is extremely important for critical reflections on the positive law of any legal system and for the promotion of a just social order and the foundation of a general theory of the humanist norm


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How to Cite

Martins de Pontes, R. K. (2024). THE THEORY OF POSITIVE LAW IN THE SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS’ OPUS THEOLOGICI. Revista Ratio Iuris, 3(1), 47–59. Retrieved from