
  • Sara de Lima Ferreira Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB).


Desinformation. Fake News. Social Media.


The present study is extremely important in the current scenario, considering that the internet, since its creation, has played an increasingly important role in social life. From this perspective, with the advancement of technological devices and the communicational changes resulting from the post-industrial era, the way in which we obtain information in cyberspace becomes fluid and compromising. It is a fact that we are part of the information society, which paves the way for the production, dissemination and sharing of content on social networks, whose impact is reflected in the lives and daily lives of the people who make up society. That said, fake news distorts reality and promotes desires for truth in order to recreate distorted narratives with the aim of deceiving public opinion regarding the facts. Therefore, this is a work that aims to be a key element in studies on fake news and disinformation, seeking to encourage the reader to think and highlight the importance of information as a factor in civic empowerment.


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How to Cite

de Lima Ferreira, S. (2024). PROLIFERAÇÃO DA DESINFORMAÇÃO: O IMPACTO DAS FAKE NEWS NA ERA DA TRANSFORMAÇÃO DIGITAL. Revista Ratio Iuris, 3(1), 99–107. Retrieved from