MARKET POSITIONING STRATEGY AND ENTREPRENEUR PROFILE: A case study of a company in the field of home appliances


  • Fabiane Aparecida Santos Clemente
  • Paulo Magno de Almeida



The act of taking something bold, for the entrepreneur to impose a daily routine consists of the uncertainty of economic scenarios, political and social. This phenomenon, with all that is peculiar unpredictability, it is essential to economic growth of any nation, because it maintains a harness new technologies, practices and concepts regarding products and services. Given the importance of the entrepreneur in building a society, this study aimed to identify the behavioral characteristics identified by McClelland entrepreneurs, through a case study in a company's retail appliance and relate them with the strategies position it has taken, in the face of large competitors. The study was a qualitative and descriptive. Data collection was done through field research along with the questionnaire proposed by McClelland (1971) and screenplay interview, but exploitation of company documents. This case study enabled us to identify the strategies adopted by the entrepreneur as the School of Strategic Management Entrepreneurship and its relation to the characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior.


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How to Cite

Clemente, F. A. S., & Almeida, P. M. de. (2013). MARKET POSITIONING STRATEGY AND ENTREPRENEUR PROFILE: A case study of a company in the field of home appliances. Theory and Practice in Administration - TPA, 3(1), 121–151.



Artigos de Pesquisa (Research Papers)