A study on the creation, transfer and governance of knowledge through professional stricto sensu programs in administration
Governance, Knowledge, Innovation, Research, ArtefactAbstract
Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of stricto sensu graduate programs in administration in the professional modality, in Higher Education Institutions in Brazil, which are concerned with research and its respective knowledge production. The objective possibility of generating products (artifacts) represents the materialization of knowledge, thus contributing to the development of society. Methodology: The study methodology opted for an approach focused on theoretical analysis and bibliographic research, considering the current moment of scientific production in the country. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the new evaluation model for stricto sensu graduate courses in Brazil points to the need to prove the social impact of the programs, which should demand new methodological, theoretical and practical approaches in dealing with this issue. Main Results: As a contribution to management, the importance of this theme for organizations and the benefits that could come from it for the benefit of society are discussed, through the generation of positive impacts in its application resulting from the production of artifacts resulting from stricto sensu programs in administration in the professional modality. and its. Academic and practical contributions: The main results point to the possibilities of creating and governing knowledge resulting from the interaction between higher education institutions and organizations.
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