Inifinity And Otherness: The Ethical Subjetivity Inspired By The Heteronomy In Emmanuel Lévinas


  • Marcio Adriano dos Santos Dias



Self and Other, Totality and Infinite, Ethical Subjectivity, Heteronomy


The aim of this article is to present the Levinasean thought before as the more original interpretation as possible, seeking to preserve the relevance of the thought of this philosopher to the posterity, particularly, that regarding his phenomenological reduction method. By using this method, Levinas proposes the escape from the analytical understanding model about reality, which had dominated throughout modernity, as a system will which revolves and gives back everything to the totality of the Being, horizon by excellence, founded on an onthology, in a way to always operate a remission to the Being as well as the individualities endowed with alterity by nature. Instead of building a new encapsulating ethical system of the subjectivity in the Reason of Being, Levinas aims to unveil, by means of a phenomenological description, a call by the Infinite through the other, which gets installed since an immemorial past in subjectivity, not allowing it to surrender to the lethargy of the modern rational subjectivity, already so much targeted by the systems of totality, leaving it at the mercy of the excess of Being potentialized by modernity and almost completely destroyed by the world revolutions, also understanding them in the form of wars impelled by the civilization of the Aufklärung, i.e., Europe. The relocation of ethics as first philosophy is one more need in our days, once we have witnessed the pari passu technological development, modes of domination over subjectivities, subsumed to the biopower and to the biopolicy of a philosophical essence, at least, not caring with the most originary basis of the human phenomenon in this planet in its own alterity.


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Author Biography

Marcio Adriano dos Santos Dias

* Doutor em Filosofia pela UFPE/UFPB/UFRN. Professor efetivo da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB, Campus V, João Pessoa - PB.


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How to Cite

Dias, M. A. dos S. (2014). Inifinity And Otherness: The Ethical Subjetivity Inspired By The Heteronomy In Emmanuel Lévinas. Aufklärung, 1(1), p.75–90.