Žižek And The Violence Of The Langugage - The Case of Charlie Hebdo As Sleep Of The Simbolic Space of Individuals
Violence of Languages, Slavoj Žižek, Chalie HebdoAbstract
In this paper we analyze the concept of subjective violence and objective violence (“symbolic” violence of language) from Žižek (2014) and with the context Chalie Hebdo case here briefly investigated from his cartoons as rationality instrument of instincts. This was developed through the concepts of violence presented here. As a paradigm of this rationality, we seek to infer the political animal of Aristotle (1998) in view of its similarity in the representations of man in Hobbes (2003), from the events specified above, having the intention to do so in the hermeneutical tradition for each one two authors - although we do in Žižek (2010, 2014). We intend to finally understand how violence can be exercised through sexuality and politics, instances, according to Foucault (2002), very policed.Downloads
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