Essay about “Subject and Object” by Theodor Adorno as a transit to his critical theory


  • Cleidson de Jesus Rocha Universidade Federal do AcreCentro de Educação e Letras - CELCampus da Floresta



subject, object, Theodor Adorno, Critical theory


The purpose of this paper is to present considerations about the theses present in the set of 12 epigraphs that make up the text About Subject and Object, by Theodor Adorno, relating the author's position with his biographical work, marked by historical events, as well as the itinerary of philosophical thought, elements that guided the construction of his critical theory. To this end, we begin with some considerations about the form and content of the text About Subject and Object. In the second moment, we will present a reading key, as a possibility of organizing the text by its author, and then going to attention on each of the 12 parts, seeking to present Adorno's interlocution with the epistemologies which support the debate in question. We conclude by pointing out Adornian pessimism by realizing that the strength, which was so expected from conscience, was not enough to make it autonomous, because, unlike the Enlightenment promises, rationality loses control and becomes detached from itself, becoming truly in degeneration of critical consciousness, thus emptying the subject's autonomous condition.


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Author Biography

Cleidson de Jesus Rocha, Universidade Federal do AcreCentro de Educação e Letras - CELCampus da Floresta

Pesquisador Colaborador no Programa de Pós-Doutorado em Filosofia na Universidade de São Paulo - USP (2018-2019). Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Gama Filho - UGF-RIO (2005). Professor Adjunto no Centro de Educação e Letras - CEL  - Universidade Federal do Acre


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. de J. (2020). Essay about “Subject and Object” by Theodor Adorno as a transit to his critical theory . Aufklärung, 7(3), p.147–158.