Jetztzeit's revolutionary moment




Jetztzeit, past, present, dialectical image


The purpose of this article is to show what is the role played by the present in Benjamin’s temporality and how, through Jetztzeit, the present can be revolutionized and the past rescued. Jetztzeit is a frozen time that precipitates in the moment, time condensed in images that contain past and present in a constellation that rips the horizon of the historicist continuum. We will analyze the different cases with which this concept-image appears in the Theses, we will refer to the “dialectic in a state of interruption” and the revolutionary chance with a constant reference to the personal view of the author's historical materialism and his youthful works.


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Author Biography

Deborah Spiga, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP

Doutorado em andamento em Filosofia (Conceito CAPES 4), na Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Brasil. Mestrado em Scienze filosofiche pela Università degli Studi di Sassari (2011.


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How to Cite

Spiga, D. (2021). Jetztzeit’s revolutionary moment. Aufklärung, 8(1), p.59–74.