The mind extended beyond discourse: the virtual public sphere as cognitive technology




extended mind, public virtual sphere, embodied embedded cognition


The article promotes interfaces between areas of knowledge generally disconnected, proposing a trans-Habermasian point of view about the public sphere. The objective is to think about political formation and its interface with the virtual public sphere from two argumentative paths. The first one, against Habermas himself, presents the virtual public sphere as cognitive technology following the theory of the extended mind (CHALMERS and CLARK, 1998). The second argument defends the idea that the current political formation must be understood under two axes: from the effects of meaning, related to the hermeneutics of discourse, where it is possible to insert Habermas himself; and the presence effects, which in dialogue with the non-hermeneutic field, call attention to the very presence of these cognitive technologies and their unfolding in social and political cognition today.


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Author Biography

Camila Moura Pinto, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Coordenadora do curso de Licenciatura em História da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais-UEMG de Passos.


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How to Cite

Pinto, C. M. (2021). The mind extended beyond discourse: the virtual public sphere as cognitive technology. Aufklärung, 8(esp), p.29–40.