Nietzsche and Sartre at the crossroads: itineraries of wandering philosophers
Nietzsche, Sartre, Freedom, Will, ActionAbstract
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate points that attaches and separate the philosophical paths taken by Nietzsche and Sartre; thus, after a brief passage about Nietzsche's reception in France and, in particular, around Sartre's impressions on the German philosopher, the article discourses the concept of corporeality developed by the authors, and then, reflects on the notion of acting arising from this conception: if we are not commanded by a rational-volitional mechanism, what moves human actions? Freedom, Sartre will answer; the Will to Power, Nietzsche would say. And if Nietzsche's philosophy demands for everyone to make themselves an artistic work, Sartre appeals to the situation circumscribed by free action. Finally, the article proposes an extemporaneous dialogue between wandering philosophers around the freedom-responsibility, body-consciousness correlations, to think about such questions.
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