The Life of the Mind: systems of operation of the encephalon, meditation




Spirit, Mind, Body, Operation of the encephalon, Meditation


The article presents a philosophical approach about ‘the Life of the Mind’ and has as main objective of describing the course and the cycle of Life of the Mind, for such the bibliographical research and the personal reflections was appealed. The study allowed to understand that, the Mind constitutes the second entity of the Human Organism that emerges of the Spirit to serve him, in the beginning the Mind is linked to the Spirit and it contemplates the world with happiness, but because of the desire the Mind lose the connection with the Spirit starting to try the good and the badly and getting worry with her own existence far of the Spirit that culminates with a fear that makes the Mind to return the link and being dissolved completely in the Spirit where finally she finds the true happiness.


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Author Biography

Amâncio Maurício Xavier Rêgo, Universidade Pedagogica de Moçambique

Professor no Departamento de Psicologia e Pedagogia da Universidade Púnguè em Manica. Mestre em Gestão e Administração da Educação pela Universidade Católica de Moçambique. Investigador de matérias sobre Educação e Espiritualidade.


Referências Bibliográficas

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How to Cite

Rêgo, A. M. X. (2022). The Life of the Mind: systems of operation of the encephalon, meditation. Aufklärung, 9(1), p.127–146.