The Originality of the Stoics' Propositional Logic compared to the Classical Propositional Calculus
originality, propositional logic, stoics, propositional calculus, contemporaneityAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the propositional logic of the Stoics from a point of view due to them, namely, that of their originality with regard to the fundamentals of this logic modality. In this way, it is intended to deconstruct a conception generally proclaimed in the current logic manuals that reduce propositional logic to a calculation tool, invented by contemporary logicians, and that completely neglects the original contribution of the Stoics. It is hoped that the discussions established here will serve the logic student as demystifying the mistaken view, generally propagated in our universities, that, after Aristotle, in logic, there is only classical quantificational calculation and non-classical logics and that disregards the Stoics as an important chapter in this story
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