O conceito hegeliano de contradição e a Lógica Difusa





Contradiction, Logic, Fuzzy Logic


In my doctoral thesis I argued that, to understand how Hegel articulates the passage from dialectical contradiction to logic, the Hegelian concept of contradiction must be analyzed from the perspective of an antinomy. To support this argument, I proposed an update of this concept based on an antinomic structure. This update, however, brought another problem: in this reconstruction, the contradiction, in Hegel, continues to develop gradually, whereas traditional logic works only with values ​​of p and -p, and not with levels of gradation. So, to continue supporting the argument that the Hegelian concept of contradiction, from the perspective of an antinomy, can be understood as a logical contradiction, it would be necessary to find a logic that does not only operate with binary values, but also with levels of gradation. It was from this need that the idea of ​​applying Hegel's concept of contradiction to Fuzzy Logic arose, and this is, therefore, the proposal of this article.


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Author Biography

Michele Borges Heldt, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Doutora e Mestre em Filosofia, com graduação em Administração de Empresas.


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How to Cite

Borges Heldt, M. (2023). O conceito hegeliano de contradição e a Lógica Difusa. Aufklärung, 10(3), p.101–108. https://doi.org/10.18012/arf.v10i3.66735