Walter Benjamin reads the Symposium: Plato against the myth




Walter Benjamin, Plato, Myth, Truth, Beauty


Even if it has not been so thoroughly investigated, the importance of Platonic philosophy in Benjamin’s work can hardly be argued. Numerous texts, notes and letters reveal the presence of Plato in Benjamin’s thought. But it is specially The origin of German Trauerspiel the place where Benjamin takes Plato’s philosophy most explicitly and extensively. In the “Epistemocritical Preface” –where he develops his theory of knowledge through a revindication and reinterpretation of the Platonic “doctrine of ideas”– as well as in other sections of the book, Plato appears as a fundamental source. In this context, a dialogue stands out: the Symposium. This article aims at investigating Benjamin’s reading of that dialogue, a reading which articulates the figure of a Plato that develops his philosophy as a way to oppose myth, and that allows to elevate philosophy again as a form for the exposition of truth in language.


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Author Biography

Raimundo Fernández Mouján, UBA; CLEA (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Master II en Filosofía y críticas contemporáneas de la cultura por la Université Paris VIII. Miembro del Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel).


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How to Cite

Fernández Mouján, R. (2024). Walter Benjamin reads the Symposium: Plato against the myth. Aufklärung, 11(1), p.11–28.


