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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  • Os arquivos para submissão não podem ultrapar 2MB.
  • Todos os endereços de páginas na Internet (URLs), incluídas no texto (Ex.: estão ativos e prontos para clicar.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  • A identificação de autoria deste trabalho foi removida do arquivo e da opção Propriedades no Word, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo da revista, caso submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a Avaliação por Pares Cega.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors
Guidelines for Revista Ártemis
1. Revista Ártemis accepts proposals for special issues (dossiers) and articles, reviews, translations and
interviews for publication in a continuous basis, organized in order of submission, in the field of
gender studies, feminism and sexuality. The submissions must be sent only electronically, written in
Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, and the authors must hold a Doctorate Certificate. If the
main author is a doctoral or master's student, they must be accompanied by a doctor, preferably
the advisor.
2. Dossier organizers should only publish, in the special issue they organize, a presentation text, which
may have the length of an article, and they are not expected to publish any other texts.
3. The dossiers may be proposed by up to two (2) researchers who have held a Doctorate Certificate for
at least three (3) years, and it will be their responsibility to preliminarily evaluate the
articles/reviews submitted for publication in the special issue, appoint possible reviewers ad hoc,
when applicable, as well as proofreading the spelling, grammar, syntax and correct wording of
the abstract/ resumen/ resumo , and formatting of the references in the footnotes, after the blind peer
review process (Editorial Board or ad hoc reviewers);
4. Each author may submit only one article at a time for evaluation. If the article is published, the
author must wait 2 (two) years before submitting another article for evaluation to the journal.
5. In the case of articles resulting from undergraduate research, the author's students who collaborated
with the research must appear only in a footnote;
6. Proposals for articles containing more than three (3) authors will NOT BE ACCEPTED;
7. Proposals for reviews containing more than one (1) author will NOT BE ACCEPTED;
8. Proposals will only be accepted if sent directly via the electronic submission system;
9. As of Vol 30 (2020), all authors who submit unpublished contributions to Revista Ártemis, when
making a new submission, must include their ORCID ID registration ( Likewise,
authors of contributions already approved must update their registrations in the journal's system;
10. The article file must contain: title, (mandatory); abstract (from 150 to 300 words), keywords (from
three to five), in Times New Roman, followed by the text of the article and the final references and
sources, with a length of 12 (twelve) to 20 (twenty) pages, including notes and references. The
article file should NOT contain any information that identifies the authorship and will be typed in a
program compatible with the Word text editor for Windows (file in "Doc" or "DOCX" format).
11. Text formatting: text body in Times New Roman, font size 11; 1.5 line spacing; 2 cm margins; A4
paper. Abstract, in font size 11, keywords separated by period, with capital letters, font size 11.
Subheadings in bold (font size 12) and title (font size 14). Topics should not be numbered, nor
should numbering be placed on pages.
12. Citations longer than three lines should be highlighted from the text, forming a paragraph with 2 cm
indentation to the right, single spacing, size 10, and without quotation marks;
13. Footnotes must be only explanatory and minimal, obeying the following formatting: font Times
new roman (body) 9; single line spacing; and a maximum of 10 (ten) lines in each note;
14. In addition to the text file, it is mandatory to send a separate file entitled COVER PAGE, which
will include the title, the institution, the author(s) link to it, and their full name, followed by their
15. Reviews must be between 4 (four) and 10 (ten) pages long, and must cover researchs published in
Brazil or abroad; works published in Brazil in the last 24 months and abroad in the last 36 may be
the focus of reviews.
16. Translations submitted for publication must be accompanied by written authorization from the
original author and the publisher.
17. Interviews submitted for publication must be accompanied by a consent form signed by the
interviewee authorizing the publication of the interview.

18. All other categories of publication proposals (articles, reviews, translations, interviews) must follow
the indications of typing and standardization established for the available articles, as well as the way
in which originals should be submitted, without the need, however, to include an abstract and
19. If the work contains images (photos, reproductions of works of art, tables, graphics, etc.), these may
not exceed the number of 10 (ten) and must be sent in independent files and also be included in the
body of the text that must be attached as a supplementary document when submitting, in JPEG or
TIFF format, in color or in white and black, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and maximum
dimensions of 15 cm x 21 cm. The place of insertion of the images in the body of the text must be
indicated by a caption (Ex.: "Figure 1", "Figure 2" etc.). The author(s) of the article/review
submitted to Revista Ártemis are solely responsible for assigning the copyright of the images (of the
photographer and the photographed) to their owners for publication in the journal. If this
documentation is not submitted in a timely manner to the journal's Editorial Committee, the material
will not be published;
20. If the text contains special characters – such as Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
Hindu characters or mathematical signs, for example – the font used ("TTF" format file) must be
sent to the Publishing Committee together with the "DOC" or "DOCX" files of the proposal;
21. The bibliographic references of citations, works and commented authors should only be made in the
ABNT system (LAST NAME, year, p. page number). The final bibliography should follow the
model: JOURNALARTICLE: ALMEIDA, Maria Celestino de. Trabalho compulsório na
Amazônia: séculos XVII-XVIII. Revista Arrabaldes, year I, n. 2, sep./Dec. 1988, p. 101-117.
MENEZES, Maria de Nazaré Ângelo & GUERRA, Gutemberg Armando Diniz. Exploração de
Madeiras no Pará: semelhanças entre as fábricas reais do período colonial e as atuais
serrarias. Cadernos de Ciência e Tecnologia, Brasília, vol. 15, n. 3, sep./Dec., 1998, p. 123-
pensamento analógico medieval. In: Anais do IV Encontro Internacional de Estudos Medievais. Belo
Horizonte: PUC-MG/ABREM, 2001, p. 39-55. BOOK CHAPTER: MENEZES, Mozart Vergetti
de & PAIVA, Yamê Galdino de. Ilustração, população e circuitos mercantis: a capitania da Paraíba
na virada do século XVIII. In: OLIVEIRA, Carla Mary S.; GONÇALVES, Regina Célia &
MENEZES, Mozart Vergetti (orgs.). Ensaios sobre a América Portuguesa. João Pessoa: Editora
Universitária/ UFPB, 2009, p. 161-179. SCHWARTZ, Stuart. O Brasil colonial – 1580-1750: as
grandes lavouras e as periferias. In: BETHELL, Leslie (org.). História da América Latina. São
Paulo: EDUSP; Brasília: Fundação Alexandre Gusmão, 1998, vol. 2, p. 339-421. BOOK:
ARRUDA, José Jobson de Andrade. O Brasil no comércio colonial. São Paulo: Ática,
1980. THESIS/ DISSERTATION/ MONOGRAPH: RIBAS, Rogério de Oliveira. Tropeirismo e
escravidão: um estudo das tropas de café das lavouras de Vassouras, 1840-1888. Dissertação
(Mestrado em História). Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Paraná, 1989. 9. All proposals will be
submitted for analysis by one or more members of the Editorial Committee, to check aspects related
to content, writing (spelling and grammar), form and relevance of the topics, BEFORE being
forwarded to reviewers who are members of the Editorial Committee or ad hoc. Proposals that do
not meet the editorial standards WILL NOT BE EVALUATED for publication;
22. Texts approved for publication in Revista Ártemis may undergo minor adjustments in the
review/editing/layout process, which their authors implicitly agree to when submitting their material
to the journal for evaluation and possible publication.


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