The dissident laugh. Stage humor as methodological carrion


  • Eugenia Romero Baamonde


Humor feminista, Escénicas, Metodologías carroñeras, Disidencias sexogenéricas, Retranca galega


This article explores the keys to constructing a feminist stage humor, trying to break down the different aspects that make it up, through stage practice/theory and from a situated point of view, both in practices of the VACAburra collective to which I belong, together with Andrea Quintana, as in other artistic processes in which I have worked. Going, at all times, to references and theoretical and practical connections that help us to reveal the different mechanisms of a feminist humor, that is recognized as intersected by gender dissidents, transfeminists, dykes, queer, precariousness and origin in a territory, Galicia, with a minority language and in which, among others, a particular and specific expression of humor is used, which is the ‘retranca’. It also seeks to vindicate humor, not only as a valid tool to highlight the cisheteropatriarchal system, but as a Pandora’s box of unstoppable forces, packed with tools that can become a scenic methodology in itself. Methodological carrion that shamelessly steals and appropriates different methods and disciplines to create an octopus, tentacular, angry, retranqueiro humor, acupuncture humor, scalpel humor, humus humor, compost humor.


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How to Cite

ROMERO BAAMONDE, E. The dissident laugh. Stage humor as methodological carrion. Revista Ártemis, [S. l.], v. 35, n. 1, p. 47–60, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.