Women writing the Americas: literature, ecology, and decolonization
https://doi.org/10.22478/ufpb.1807-8214.2020v29n1.54000Mots-clés :
Multiethnic Women Writers of the Americas, Ecology, Colonization/ DecolonizationRésumé
This essay analyzes how multiethnic women writers of the Americas draw a map of a critical geography by delineating the interrelated brutalization of human beings and the environment at the colonial-decolonial interface. Its theoretical approach is comparative, interdisciplinary, and intersectional and embedded in Cultural/ Post-Colonial Studies and Ecocriticism with the objective to problematize the issue of identity, ethnicity, and gender in correlation with the land qua place and style of life within a capitalist system. The objective is to reveal and examine the decolonial attitude in texts by multiethnic women writers of the Americas: what is decolonization and how is it translated into the narrative structure, style and theme?