
  • Naiara Paula Eugenio UERJ- CAPES
  • Nádia Regina Braga dos Santos USP




Yoruba philosophy, Yoruba Aesthetic, Ori, Yoruba, Hairstyle, Art


This work intends to make a brief reflection on the Yoruba hairstyles present in sculptural and traditional artistic productions. Considering that there is a significant amount of Yoruban hairstyles, not only those still used today, but also those that have remained in the past of their ancestors, a clipping is necessary, so the objective is to briefly discuss two of them: the agògo hairstyle and the òjòmpetí . This analysis has in mind that the head (orí) is an important and striking element in traditional sculptural pieces, often having a faithful and realistic representation where the hairstyle is a notable element, being practically redone in the carving of the sculptural body. That's why this work strives to analyze the intentions that fill the Yoruba hairstyles, through the analysis of images and bibliographic research. With the criterion of using pioneering authors in the field of Yoruba art and aesthetics such as Naiara Paula Eugenio, Babatunde Lawal and Sophie Bosede Oluwole.


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Author Biography

Nádia Regina Braga dos Santos, USP

Arquiteta e urbanista formada pela Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) e pós-graduada em Mídia, Informação e Cultura pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

E-mail: nadia.rbsantos@gmail.com

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5329439764157212



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