The transgender subject-group as living aesthetical-political fiction: from the logic of identity to the founding relationality and politicity


  • Leno Francisco Danner Universidade Federal de Rondônia



Transgender Body, Aesthetical-Political Fiction, Parliament of the Bodies, Politicization, Denaturalization, Fascism


In the paper, we will thought on the idea of the transgender subject-group as a living aesthetical-political fiction that assumes itself as antifascist and antitotalitarian perspective from the facing of the logic of pre-political, pre-cultural and a-historical identity which bases the fascist-colonialist-racist-heteronormative compreensión of society-culture-anthropology, by emphasizing, since the affirmation of the transgender voice-praxis in its antifascist and antitotalitarian struggle, the founding relationality and politicity of this same society-culture-anthropology. In this sense, we will develop some basic points which are consequence of such a dynamic proper to the transgender thought-praxis, namely: (a) the political-cultural minorities – transgender, gay, black, indigenous, woman – are social constructions, historically located and politically performed, having not a pre-political, pre-cultural and a-historical constitution; (b) they are consequence, in the Western culture, of the correlation of fascism-colonialism-racism-heteronormativity and serve as basis for the justification of the process of normalization and, then, of apoliticity-depoliticization proper to totalitarianism and its basic core, the fear, the stigma and the death, which nourish the public hegemony of fascism; (c) the political-cultural minorities in the public sphere institutes a perspective of decolonization of culture and of decatechization of mind by means of the streamlining of a direct, corporal, linked, political and politicizing voice-praxis, in which their singularities as their condition of minority (the violence lived and suffered as antinatural and morally decayed subject-group-condition) serve as critical and politicizing sting against the fascism-colonialism-racism-heteronormativity, the same as ethical utopia for a new world and a new human being; and, with this, (d) the democratic centrality of the place of speak of and by political-cultural minorities which, by means of their colors, genders, histories and experiences, constitute themselves as antifascist and antitotalitarian voice-praxis that boost to more democracy, pluralism, human rights and politics as structuring axes of this same democracy.


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Author Biography

Leno Francisco Danner, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Doutor em Filosofia (PUC_RS). Professor de Filosofia e de Sociologia no Departamento de Filosofia da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia.


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How to Cite

Danner, L. F. (2020). The transgender subject-group as living aesthetical-political fiction: from the logic of identity to the founding relationality and politicity . Aufklärung, 7(esp), p.93–124.

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