Young women in the fight for the city: an analysis of high school occupations




Right to the city, Feminism, Young women, High school ocupations


The traditional theory about the right to the city resulted an absence of debate about women and gender in the use and belonging to cities, erasing the different ways of experiencing the city between men and women. From this blank, we debated the right to the city in a feminist and intersectional perspective, arguing about the different experiences of women in urban spaces from race, class and generation. Then, thinking about public acts of the feminist movement, such as the March of Sluts, we discussed the different positions and forms of political action within feminism based on social markers of difference, taking the generational issue as a central point. Thus we ask ourselves how do young women fight in and for cities? To answer this question, we analyze interviews with young women who participated in the secondary and secondary occupation movement in 2015 and 2016, discussing their role in the movement, in addition to other issues such as subjectivation processes triggered in the struggle for cities.


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Author Biographies

Hugo Oliveira, Goiás Federal University

Graduated in Social Sciences (degree) at the Federal University of Goiás. I am currently a student in the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFG, master's level. I have been interested in topics related to decolonial and post-colonial theory, gender and race studies, intersectionality, epistemology, subordinate knowledge, sociology of knowledge, education and its institutions in Latin America.

Lorena de Oliveira, Goiás Federal University

Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Goiás. She participated in the Feminist Collective Pagu, a group founded at the Faculty of Law of UFG, for one year. She worked for one semester at the Popular University Legal Advisory Center of the Faculty of Law of UFG (group of scholarship extension of the Extension and Culture Scholarship Project - PROBEC - 2016/2017). Conducted monitoring in the discipline of International Law in 2018/2. Completed the English and French course at the UFG Language Center. She is currently a graduate student in Criminal Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC-GO) and a master's student at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Rights at UFG. Member of the Dialogus Study and Research Group - Interdisciplinary Studies on Gender, Work and Culture (UFACAT) and Law and Sexuality Group (UFBA)

Eliane Gonçalves, Goiás Federal University

I am a PhD in Social Sciences (Unicamp, 2007), Associate Professor II of Sociology, working in undergraduate and graduate courses at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Federal University of Goiás. I was coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Sociology (2017-2019) , a program in which I work since 2010, linked to the line of research Inequalities, Differences and Violence. I am also part of the SER-TÃO team - Center for Teaching, Research and Extension in Gender and Sexuality since its creation in 2006. I was an editor in the area of ​​Sociology in the Revista Sociedade e Cultura (ISSN 1980-8194) in the period 2013-2017 . I was a visiting researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health (Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, 1998 - 1999), developing a research project on national curriculum parameters (PCNs) and the teaching of gender and sexuality in Brazil. I am a co-founder and permanent collaborator of a feminist organization, Grupo Transas do Corpo since 1987 in Goiânia, Goiás. I develop, primarily, research, teaching and extension activities in the following themes: ways of life; feminist social theory and its methodologies; gender and connections with other categories of difference; sexualities.



How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, H.; DE OLIVEIRA, L.; GONÇALVES, E. . Young women in the fight for the city: an analysis of high school occupations. Revista Ártemis, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 1, p. 97–115, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1807-8214.2020v30n1.55706. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.