From the inquisition to the world of work: women in the light of historicity


  • Tamires Araújo Lima Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Sangelita Miranda Franco Mariano Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano
  • Flávio Manoel Coelho Borges Cardoso



Inquisição, Gênero, Feminismo, Mulher, Trabalho


This article explores the trajectory of women from the repression imposed by the Inquisition to their entry into the world of work, covering a historical period marked by profound social and cultural transformations. Its aim was to analyze the social, cultural and legal transformations that shaped the position of women in society. Through a critical analysis based on historiographical research by Federici, Louro, Scott, hooks, among others, the study examines the different forms of oppression and resistance experienced by women over the centuries, highlighting the challenges and achievements that marked their struggle for emancipation. The research was conducted through a detailed bibliographical review, seeking to understand the dynamics of power and women’s resistance. Narrative research was carried out on the subject in order to analyze women’s history, identify the roots of gender inequality and illuminate the path towards building a fairer and more equal society. The analysis of the data collected enabled a comprehensive overview to be drawn up of women’s trajectory, from oppression and persecution to the progress made in gaining civil rights and emancipation. The research findings revealed that the Inquisition was a period of intense repression which limited women’s activities, while their inclusion in the job market was driven by social movements and legislative changes. Therefore, this article offers a valuable contribution to understanding the trajectory of women, emphasizing the need for continuous action to overcome persistent inequalities.


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How to Cite

ARAÚJO LIMA, T.; MIRANDA FRANCO MARIANO, S.; MANOEL COELHO BORGES CARDOSO , F. From the inquisition to the world of work: women in the light of historicity. Revista Ártemis, [S. l.], v. 38, n. 1, p. 170–192, 2024. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1887-8214.2024v38n1.71999. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.