Binomy and strangeness in Noite na Taverna, by Álvares de Azevedo



Fantastic, Fiction, Grotesque, Sublime, Narrative


The article discusses fantastic traits in Noite na taverna. The critical path adopted takes as a theoretical source Todorov's (2003) considerations and the presence of the Azevedian binomial as a constitutive element of the work. Based on the concepts of sublime in Longino (2020) and grotesque in Hugo (1992) we will glimpse the presence of aesthetic elements of the fantastic stranger, according to Todorov (2003), in our corpus. We will avoid, in this study, to problematize the idea of Longino (2020) as to the effect of the extraordinary as a mark of the sublime, we prefer, in the organizational line of this article, to point to the idea of transcendence to the immediate real in relation to the imagetic, in the considerations of the Greek author, as a contact point between his reflection on the sublime and the classification made by Todorov (2003) in relation to the fantastic. As the main methodological path we comment on the corpus in order to approach stylistic and aesthetic elements in Álvares de Azevedo text that mobilize aspects such as grotesque, laughter and strangeness in search of the dialogue between the natural and the supernatural real understood as factors of construction of the fictional universe of fantastic character in Noite na taverna.


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Author Biography

Danglei Castro Pereira, Universidade de Brasília- UnB

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Professor na Universidade de Brasília (UnB). ORCID:  


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