



translated Brazilian literature; Métailié; Bourdieu; Sociology of Translation; Translation Studies.


Since its establishment in 1979 until 2019, Métailié stands as the French publisher with the highest number of published translations of Brazilian literature. It has introduced a variety of authors from different literary generations into the French literary landscape, totaling 77 translations (including re-editions) of titles by 29 authors. Creating the first collection entirely dedicated to Brazilian literature in France (Bibliothèque brésilienne, started in 1982), Métailié has brought about a change in the way this literature is perceived and presented to the French public, distinguishing it from broader groups such as Latin American or Portuguese-language literature. Considering the significance of this publishing house in promoting Brazilian literature internationally and focusing on the study interval from 1979 to 2019, this article discusses the following issues: Métailié's editorial policy, characterized by the linguistic and geographical diversity of its publications; the constitution of the collections; the space reserved for Brazilian literature; the flow of translations of this literature, and the translated Brazilian authors. From a theoretical point of view, the article is based on the perspective of the Sociology of Translation, particularly the reflections of Pierre Bourdieu (1999) on the dynamics of the French publishing field and Johan Heilbron (2010) on the global translation system. The presented data were gathered as part of doctoral research, which will be further elucidated.


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Author Biography

Marta Pragana Dantas, UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Graduated in Letters (Portuguese and French) from the Catholic University of Pernambuco, has a Master's in Literature Theory from the Federal University of Pernambuco and a PhD in French Literature from the Paris III University / Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Capes Scholarship). He did a post-doctorate (CNPq scholarship) in sociology of translation at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales / Center de Sociologie européenne - CSE (France), an institution for which he has been a foreign correspondent since 2015. She is a Full Professor at the Department of Modern Foreign Languages ​​at UFPB and a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Languages ​​(PPGL) at the same university. He was vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Translation Researchers - ABRAPT (2017-2019). Since 2017, she has been co-editor of Graphos Magazine. He works mainly in the following areas: translation studies, French literature and literary theory.


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