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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being reviewed to be published by any other scientific journal.
  • The submission files are in a format compatible with the word processors Microsoft Word or Open Office (.doc file), with a maximum size of 2Mb.
  • All Internet addresses (URLs) in the text (e.g., are active and can be clicked.
  • The formatting follows the template file: 1.15 spacing; Body Arial size 11 font; italic is used instead of underlining; URLs are not underlined nor in blue; pictures and tables are incorporated to the text, instead of placed at the end of the file.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographical requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  • The authorship identification of this work was removed from the file and from the Word Properties option, ensuring the journal’s secrecy criterion, should the submission be reviewed by peers (e.g., Articles). This requirement is in conformity with instructions available in Ensuring the Blind Peer Review.
  • The author recognizes the absence of any kind of conflict of interest in this work. For further information, access the CSE Recommendations for promoting integrity in scientific journal publications:

Author Guidelines

  1. Sæculum journal accepts submissions to publish articles, reviews, translations, and interviews concerning History. The manuscripts must be submitted exclusively online, in Portuguese, English, French, Italian, or Spanish, and their author(s) must be doctoral students or holders of a doctorate-level degree.

  2. The dossiers shall be proposed by 2 (two) researchers holding a PhD for at least 5 (five) years, being at least one of them attached to a Graduate Program. It will be the dossier organizers’ responsibility to make a preliminary evaluation of the articles/reviews submitted for publication, to point possible ad hoc reviewers when necessary, to make an orthographic, grammatical, syntactic and general writing proofreading of the abstract / résumé / resumen / riassunto and to properly format references in the footnotes after the blind peer review process (Editorial Board or ad hoc reviewers);

  3. Proposals of articles with more than 3 (three) authors WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED;

  4. Proposals of reviews with more than 1 (one) author WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED;

  5. Only proposals submitted directly through the electronic system for submission of originals ( will be accepted;

  6. When submitting their unpublished contributions to Sæculum, the author(s) must include their ORCID ID registration information and update their profile(s) on Sæculum with such information.

  7. If an article is submitted for publishing, 2 (two) separate files must be uploaded, necessarily using the template available here: a) the main file, containing title, (mandatory), authorship (with a footnote informing a minibiography, contact email address, ORCID ID and whether the work receives any funding); abstract (150 to 300 words), keywords (3 to 5), followed by the article and the final references and sources, between 7.000 and 10.000 words, including notes and references; the file must be typed in a software compatible with Word for Windows 2007 or later (.DOC or .DOCX formats); The formatting must be as follows: Body Arial size 11 font; 1.25 first-line indent; 1.15 spacing; 2,5cm margins; A4 paper size. This file must be named with the author(s) last name(s), in capital letters (e.g., “LAST_NAME_complete_article.docx” or “LAST_NAME1-LAST_NAME2_complete_article.docx”

  8. The second file must not, in any way, include authorship information, meaning that no identifying information may be present in the body of the article, in the sections that precede it, in footnotes, in quotations, or in the file properties. The file shall be saved as a document WITHOUT identification. After receiving the confirmation that the first file was added, go to the field “send another article”, selecting the option “preserver history” and the field “article WITHOUT identification”. The file will be named simply as “WITHOUT identification”;

  9. Quotations longer than three lines must be block quoted, i.e., they must form a paragraph with an indent of 4cm to the right, single spaced, font size 10, and without quotation marks.

  10. Footnotes must be exclusively explanatory and be formatted as follows: Body Arial size 9 font; single spacing; a maximum of 10 (ten) lines per note;

  11. Reviews shall have between 7 (seven) and 11 (eleven) pages and must discuss a work published in Brazil or abroad in the last 18 (eighteen) months prior to submission. These, as well as the other categories of publishing proposals, must follow the typing and standardization guidelines set for the articles available HERE. The same procedure must be followed for forwarding the originals, without the need, however, of including an abstract and keywords;

  12. If the paper contains images (pictures, reproductions of works of art, tables, charts, etc.), they shall be limited to 10 (ten) and shall be sent in separate files, in addition to being included in the body text. They shall be attached as additional files when submitting the proposal, in JPEG or TIFF formats, color or grayscale, with a minimal resolution of 300 dpi and maximal dimensions of 15cm x 21cm. The positioning of the images in the body text must be indicated with a subtitle (e.g., “Picture 1”, “Picture 2”, etc.). The author of the submitted article/review is the sole responsible for obtaining the publishing rights of the images (author and portrayed people) for publication in Sæculum. The material will not be published unless the proper documentation regarding this cession of rights be presented in a timely manner to Sæculum’s Editorial Committee;

  13. If the text contains special characters (e.g., Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hindu characters or mathematical symbols), the used font (TTF format) shall be sent to the Publishing Committee along with the proposal DOC or DOCX files.

  14. Translations must be submitted along with the authorization by the author or by the holder of the publishing rights of the source text;

  15. Bibliographical references of citations and mentioned works and authors must be made only according to the ABNT system (LAST NAME, year, p. indicate page). The final bibliography shall follow these templates:


    ALMEIDA, Maria Celestino de. Trabalho compulsório na Amazônia: séculos XVII-XVIII. Revista Arrabaldes, n. 2, p. 101-117, 1988.

    MENEZES, Maria de Nazaré Ângelo & GUERRA, Gutemberg Armando Diniz. Exploração de Madeiras no Pará: semelhanças entre as fábricas reais do período colonial e as atuais serrarias. Cadernos de Ciência e Tecnologia, vol. 15, n. 3, p. 123-145, 1998.


    FRANCO JÚNIOR, Hilário. Modelo e imagem: o pensamento analógico medieval. In: Anais doIV Encontro Internacional de Estudos Medievais. Belo Horizonte: PUC-MG/ABREM, 2001, p. 39-55.


    MENEZES, Mozart Vergetti de & PAIVA, Yamê Galdino de. Ilustração, população e circuitos mercantis: a capitania da Paraíba na virada do século XVIII. In: OLIVEIRA, Carla Mary S.; GONÇALVES, Regina Célia & MENEZES, Mozart Vergetti (orgs.). Ensaios sobre a América Portuguesa. João Pessoa: Editora da UFPB, 2009, p. 161-179.

    SCHWARTZ, Stuart. O Brasil colonial – 1580-1750: as grandes lavouras e as periferias. In: BETHELL, Leslie (org.). História da América Latina. São Paulo: EDUSP; Brasília: Fundação Alexandre Gusmão, 1998, vol. 2, p. 339-421.


    ARRUDA, José Jobson de Andrade. O Brasil no comércio colonial. São Paulo: Ática, 1980.


    RIBAS, Rogério de Oliveira. Tropeirismo e escravidão: um estudo das tropas de café das lavouras de Vassouras, 1840-1888. Dissertação (Mestrado em História). Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Paraná, 1989.

  16. All submissions will be analyzed by one or more members of the Editorial Committee, who will go through the content, spelling (orthography and grammar), and form of the text and through the relevance of its subjects before forwarding them to the Editorial Board or ad hoc Submissions that do not comply with the editorial guidelines WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED for publishing.

  17. Each issue of the journal will publish at least 9 (nine) articles;

  18. Each thematic issue (dossier) will publish a minimum of 5 (five) and a maximum of 10 (ten) articles;

  19. Articles and reviews approved for publishing in Sæculum might go through minor adjustments in the process of proofreading, editing, and design, with which their author(s) implicitly agree by submitting their material for this journal’s review and eventual publication;

  20. Texts written in Portuguese must be in accordance with the New Orthographic Agreement, effective in Brazil since 2009, and their vocabulary must be adequate to the current writing and use of the language in this country;

  21. Author(s) of articles or reviews published in Sæculum may only submit a new proposal after three editions of the journal. E.g., if an author has their text published on issue 40, a new submission will only be accepted for issue 44;

  22. The estimated time for review of articles (from reception to publication) ranges from 4 (four) to 6 (six) months.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided to Sæculum will be used exclusively within the scope of services provided by this publication. These data are not made available to other ends nor to third parties.