Ser a 'tia que faz pesquisa com a gente'

Relato de experiência sobre ser uma antropóloga adulta fazendo pesquisa com e sobre crianças em um contexto institucional


  • Roberta do Nascimento Mello PPGAUFPB



This article aims to raise reflections and discussions on the methodological challenges of an ethnographic research with and about institutionalized children in a Shelter Unit in Greater João Pessoa in the state of Paraíba. The reflections pointed out in this text are the result of an ongoing research and to better situate the reader in the considerations brought up, the data will be described based on the experience report of the anthropologist in the field. This research is being developed with children aged between 03 and 12 years and also with three adolescents aged between 13 and 16 years. The resulting considerations involve several aspects of the aforementioned research: the anthropologist's body, being the aunt who does research, the methodological tools and the adult anthropologist's effort to break the image of the adult as vigilant and the one who forbids.

Keywords: methodology, children, institution, institutional host.


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Dossiê Questões ético-metodológicas na pesquisa com crianças