The Mists of Avalon: an ecofeminist reading
Ecofeminism. The Mists of Avalon. Marion Zimmer Bradley.Abstract
Ecofeminist theories seek to answer about the future projects and models of society, based on an ancestral future. Literature, as a cultural expression of an era, translates paradigms of thought from its time of gestation. Ecofeminism grew in the 1970s, the same period as Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon were launched. This book reminds a past matriarchal structures in society and religion. The aim of this paper is to analyze the ecofeminist aspects in that fiction, using authors such as Mary Mellor, Mary Daly and Ynestra King. First, the foundations of ecofeminism are presented. Continuously, the plot is explained to finally discuss and point out the ecofeminist intersection presented in the novel. The methodology used is exploratory and hypothetical-deductive, using bibliographic techniques. The reflections indicate that it is possible to understand the ecofeminist manifestation in The Mists of Avalon.