Mulheres, natureza mais-que-humana e movimentos transcorpóreos em contos de fadas de Marina Colasanti
Marina Colasanti. Contos de fada. Mais-que-humano. Transcorporalidade. Ecocrítica feminista.Abstract
In this paper I consider that this revisionism occurs equally in relation to the more-than-human nature, which is also victim of oppressions in classical tales. In the analyzed narratives, women, animals and the moon suffer correlated violence performed by male characters representative of the capital-patriarchal culture. However, the oppressed characters resist this hostility through metamorphosis, which can be read as transcorporeal movements, capable of re-signifying the concept of women and nature, both considered passive and apt for exploitation by the patriarchy. Regarding a possible essentialism in this interconnection, I argue that the author uses it strategically. This work is, therefore, developed on the heels of feminist eco-criticism.