Entre a vida e o luto

a condição da mulher em A história de uma hora, de Kate Chopin





When we consider Kate Chopin's narrative a space, in the 19th century, for thematizing discussions related to the condition of women, we propose in this research to investigate, from the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, how Kate Chopin used verbal signs in the short story A one-hour story, to reflect how the feeling of freedom emerges through the presumed death of Brently Mallard and the death of Mrs. Mallard. In this sense, we understand that semiotics acts not only as a way of understanding the implicit constructions of the text but also for the of literary writing as a space of meanings, representations and debate of social issues.


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How to Cite

DUARTE, F.; SILVA, H. M. de L. Entre a vida e o luto: a condição da mulher em A história de uma hora, de Kate Chopin. DLCV, João Pessoa, PB, v. 20, p. e024002, 2024. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2237-0900.2024v20.65386. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/dclv/article/view/65386. Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.

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