Local Botanical Knowledge About Useful Species in a Semi-Arid Region From Northeastern Brazil


  • Zenneyde A. Soares, Reinaldo F. P. de Lucena, João E. da S. Ribeiro, Thamires K. N. Carvalho, João P. de O. Ribeiro, Natan M.
  • Guerra, Núbia da Silva, Kamila M. Pedrosa, Priscila C. Coutinho, Camilla M. de
  • Lucena, Carlos A. B. Alves, Severino P. de S. Júnior


The present study aimed to record and analyse traditional knowledge about the useful vegetable resources in a rural community in the city of Solânea (Paraiba, Northeastern Brazil), as well as the availability of these resources in the local vegetation. To analyse the availability of species, a phytosociological study was carried out in two areas (conserved/degraded). The required ethnobotanical information for the study was collected through semi-structured interviews carried out with the head of the family (60 informants, 113 women and 53 men). The use value of the species, categories and families was calculated (VUgeneral, VUcurrent and VUpotential), distinguishing the citations of current and potential uses. In the two examined areas, a total of 5,169 individuals, 27 species, 12 genera and 25 families were recorded. In interviews, a total of 5,561 use citations were recorded, distributed into 11 categories, 53 useful plants, 45 identified species, 39 genera and 17 families. Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart. showed the largest VUgeneral and VUcurrent (6.92 and 4.99, respectively) and Shinopsis brasiliensis Engl., the greatest VUpotential (2.28). From studies of ethnobotanical features, it is possible to record and analyse the utility potential of the species as well as to verify and identify possible pressures on their use. The community has demonstrated a significant knowledge about the use of woody species, recognising their potential utility.


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DE LUCENA, JOÃO E. DA S. RIBEIRO, THAMIRES K. N. CARVALHO, JOÃO P. DE O. RIBEIRO, NATAN M., Z. A. S. R. F. P.; PEDROSA, PRISCILA C. COUTINHO, CAMILLA M. DE, G. N. da S. . K. M.; SEVERINO P. DE S. JÚNIOR, L. . C. A. B. A. Local Botanical Knowledge About Useful Species in a Semi-Arid Region From Northeastern Brazil. Gaia Scientia, [S. l.], 2014. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/gaia/article/view/18022. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.



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