Amino acid profile and percent composition of meals and feeds used in shrimp farming


  • João Paulo de sousa Prado UFPB
  • José Marcelino Oliveira Cavalheiro
  • João Andrade da Silva
  • Thiago Brandão Cavalheiro
  • Fernanda Vanessa Gomes da Silva


Crustaceans don’t require a specific amount of protein but require a balanced supplementation of essential amino acids. The aim of this study was to evaluate the composition and profile of amino acids in feed and fish meal used in shrimp farming. The samples used for the experiment were commercial feed with protein levels of 35 and 40% and fish meal and soya meal used in feed formulations. The chemical composition of the feed samples and their respective fish meal and soya meal were determined according to the AOAC methods and analyzes for obtaining amino acid profile was performed using an elution gradient in HPLC system. The percentages obtained of moisture, ash, protein, fat and fiber related the two samples of fish meal (FPA and FPB) were 4.4, 14.3, 61.8, 12.8, 0.1% and 5 , 9, 17.1, 53.9, 6.9; 0.30%, respectively. The percentages obtained of moisture, ash, protein, fat and fiber related the two samples of soy flour (FSA and FSB) were 5.5, 13.2, 46.7, 4.0, and 5.2% 5.8, 11.9, 49.0, 5.8; 4.5%, respectively. Comparing the results of amino acid profile of the feed used in this study with those determined by chemical score, it can be noted that diets A and B were not satisfactory in the content of essential amino acids, except lysine, which showed chemical score (EQ) higher than the standard. The fish meal and soya meal used in the formulation of commercial feed (RA) had amino acid profile superior to those found in meals used for obtaining commercial feed (RB).


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How to Cite

PRADO, J. P. de sousa; CAVALHEIRO, J. M. O.; SILVA, J. A. da; CAVALHEIRO, T. B.; SILVA, F. V. G. da. Amino acid profile and percent composition of meals and feeds used in shrimp farming. Gaia Scientia, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



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