Degradation of amino acids by leaching in feeds for shrimp


  • João Paulo de sousa Prado UFPB
  • José Marcelino Oliveira Cavalheiro
  • Thiago Brandão Cavalheiro
  • Fernanda Vanessa Gomes da Silva


The feed for shrimp are one of the most expensive in the aquaculture sector, mainly because this type of feed should have high stability in water. This study aimed to evaluate the stability of amino acids in commercial feeds with different protein contents intended for larval and juvenile shrimp subjected to leaching. The feed samples were exposed to the leaching process during the time period of 04, 08 and 12 hours. The analyses of degradation of amino acids were performed using an elution gradient in HPLC system. In all diets evaluated it was found that lysine and histidine are essential amino acids which suffered less degradation processes. It’s important to mention that arginine is considered an important amino acid for growth of shrimp. In both feeds with 35% protein (RA35 and RB35) the losses of arginine were 79 and 89% respectively. The results obtained in this study indicate that the leaching process significantly reduced the content of amino acids in the feeds. The physical structure of the feed doesn’t prevent the degradation process of amino acids in the leaching process.


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How to Cite

PRADO, J. P. de sousa; CAVALHEIRO, J. M. O.; CAVALHEIRO, T. B.; SILVA, F. V. G. da. Degradation of amino acids by leaching in feeds for shrimp. Gaia Scientia, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jan. 2025.



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