Ethics of information in tge Digital Age



Ethics, Ethics of Information, Digital Age, Information Science, Scientific Cooperation, Pedagogical Experience.


This study aims to present partial results on the research project Tecnologia da Informação em Biblioteca Digital e Sistemas Abertos – Estudos de Usuário da Informação na Web de Dados (Information Technology in Digital Library and Open Systems – Studies on Users of Information on Data Web), conducted by the School of Communications and Arts from University of São Paulo in cooperation with the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. The study presents reflections on ethical dimensions that accompany the current digital era. It discusses the importance of understanding the demands of the information user in the Data Web, with a view to teach a course named Ethics of Information at undergraduate programs in Librarianship, Archivology, Museology, and Information Science, which condenses these reflections and problems, Developing skills for an ethical action in the formation of the information professional in the network society.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Carlos Paletta, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor e Pesquisador da Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Comunicações e Artes.

Armando Manuel Barreiros da Silva, Universidade do Porto

Professor Associado Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto




How to Cite

Paletta, F. C., & da Silva, A. M. B. (2017). Ethics of information in tge Digital Age. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 27(1). Retrieved from



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