
  • Rosana Nascimento Mota Ferreira UFPR/SME-Curitiba
  • Karen Franklin UFPR




Identity concepts, Gender, Education, Public policy


This article discusses different conceptions of identity formation theories, discussing their implications for public policy proposals for education. In this sense, presenting the question in a panoramic way is fundamental, as it demonstrates that there is not only an approach to the question. The discussion starts from a philosophical perspective, but includes other equally important contributions, such as from the areas of neurology, psychology, theology, biology and anthropology. The theme of identity is not restricted to a human perspective only, so the discussions pervade the multiple views that make the theme of identity a question of the now. The first part addresses the issue of maintaining the freedom to differ, by legitimizing the disagreement in the face of the problems faced by educators. The second part presents five conceptions about the formation of identity: the perspective of social construction; gender performance; gender uniessentialism; biological determinism; and, Christian perspective on identity. Finally, the problem of choosing the identity perspective show in the references for education and its possible political and social consequences. The problem of the unilateral option made by the Brazilian State generates internal and external conflicts in the school environment. Thus, the final reflection, under the theory of John Rawls, seeks to open the perspective on how a just society can observe the principles that guarantee individual freedom, justice and equal conditions for all.


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