
  • Taís Silva Pereira CEFET/RJ



Women, Philosophy teaching, Games, Educacional product


The smallest number of women philosophers in the textbooks offered by National Program of Textbook could lead students from all over the country to a erroneous conclusion of the women thinkers absence throughout Philosophy history, or at least that they are limited to the contemporary discussions. In order to supply this gap in the high school formation, a educational game called “Invisibilia: looking for the women in philosophy” was developed. The game, as a result of colective product between students and teacher, has aimed to present different women philosophers that help the participants to remove, in cooperative way, the intolerants from the “democratic game” and to conclude missions about the struggles of gender equality in a  world of inequality or with precarious inclusion, enabling a common space of interaction and reflexion. The game was produced in 2018 and is part of educational products collection at CEFET/RJ, it is played in other spaces of formation and its material is available for free in a website. This paper intends to do an experience report on the elaboration and reception of the game "Invisibilia", in view of as the problematization about the women philosophers absence in the textsbooks – from a specific frame – as an investigation about the genre estrutural inequality – from a wider philosophical approach. In fact, these levels (specific and wide) are always on the horizon of any educational production with a genre outline and they should not be left on this investigation.


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