
  • José Rodrigo Gomes de Sousa Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS
  • Gedeon José de Oliveira
  • Iraquitan de Oliveira Caminha Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB




Racism, Victim, Other, Responsibility, Justice


This paper aims to analyze race-ism as a pseudo-idea that exterminates the black population. Thus, the text intends to put on canvas the issue of language used as a promoter of categorization that softens the domination of the other and, consequently, justifies the violation of the concrete subject. The subjectivation of this concrete subject provides a distancing from the concrete reality, where the other is faced under the bias of the dominating and rational discourse of Western thought. When it is stated that the concept of race is insufficient, this implies that one must reject the relationship culturally built on the opposition of the concepts of "black" and "white". Understanding the construction process of the concept of race is fundamental to the deconstruction of the discriminatory apparatus that has been in place since Europe, which qualifies race based on skin pigmentation. The issue of violence against the black population cannot be faced only based on color, but it is a political and social issue. Black men and women are victims of a system that has its references in Eurocentricity, which despises the expressiveness of the otherness of the face and marginalizes appearance as a face formatted by exclusion. In this sense, it is necessary to address the scope of racism under political, ethical, and economic aspects, so as to promote justice for the victims of the system that is previously thought to exclude and dominate.


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