


Yoruba Aesthetics, Yoruba Philosophy, Theatrical Theory, Black Performances


This article intends to study performativity as a way of life from the Yoruba perspective to bring elements of complementarity that constitute the recreation and re-signification of the meanings of the African and diasporic world as a theoretical reference for Brazilian theater, reflected in the culture and modes of liberation and reencounter with ontological principles of black people, thinking about Exu's performativities and his role in the order of the world. As a “suleador” motto (towards the south of the world, have the south as direction), I propose to think of the rebellious and playful mystique of this orixa, starting from the paradigm of the crossing as a founding principle of aesthetic creations and black theatricalities from Africa and the diaspora. It is proposed to list characters and manifestations that reflect the comicity in popular manifestations in these territories - Mamulengo, Folia de Reis and Boi do Maranhão and the Cavalo Marinho game - which, due to historical and cultural links, establish their ethos and life projects in the festivities arising from the conceptions between the sacred and the reality in its ritualization.


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Author Biography

Glauce Regina Assis de Paula (Ashanti Bintah), UFRJ

Ashanti Bintah, arte educadora, atuante em escolas públicas das periferias de São Paulo e projetos sociais voltados para o atendimento à população negra. Mestranda em Filosofia pela UFRJ no programa Gênero, Raça e Colonialidades. Mãe, artista visual, brincante e curiosa sobre os estudos de dança, teatro e performance, cultura da infância e cultura popular.


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