
  • Miroslav Milovic
  • Rose Dayane Milovic
  • Enoque Feitosa



Pandemic, History, Violence, Law


With the present paper the author finds the possibility of overcoming the current liberal-capitalist system in a different conception of time, which requires a different attitude towards both the past and the future. The paper begins with an analysis of the Benjamin’s critique of Marx, followed by analysis of Derrida’s critique of Benjamin and finally Derrida’s critique of Marx. Benjamin points out the problem of teleological understanding of time, the understanding that the meaning of events comes only from the future, which is present in Marx, and which prevents us from escaping the “circle” of violence. Although he relies on Benjamin’s conception of time, the author seeks to transcend the understanding of law as something separate from justice, and law as violence. Therefore, the paper turns to Derrida and his understanding of the law, eventually providing new possibilities for understanding and constituting the left, social theory, but also critical thinking today.


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