


Thought, Tradition, Common sense, Massification, Ideology, Banal evil, Meaning


This article investigates the causes and points to possible solutions and/or preventions against banal evil. The causes are directly linked to the massification of society which, due to the break with the tradition of Western thought, ends up moving away from common sense, which is what guarantees the notion of shared reality. Thus, space is opened for the rise of totalitarian ideologies that completely reframe reality, making those who sink into them end up living in a completely illusory parallel world. To understand what banal evil is, Arendt's analysis of the figure of Eichmann was taken as a parameter, who, detached from reality, abdicates his duty to think, and delegates the meaning of his world to his superiors, becoming one of the greatest evildoers of humanity. Therefore, for Arendt, massification is what prepares the ground for the manifestation of banal evil, while its prevention goes precisely through the opposite path, that is, the use of the faculty of thinking, which requires imagination and memory, to enter the world of meanings and make the individual autonomous and aware of his role in giving meaning to the reality that surrounds him.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Alexandre Alves, Universidade Franciscana - UFN

Doutor em Educação - PPGE/UFPel. Mestre em filosofia - PPGF/UFSM. Licenciado em Filosofia - FAFIMC. Professor do Curso de Filosofia, do Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática - Universidade Franciscana - UFN.

Vitor Kirchner Fiorin, Faculdade Palotina - FAPAS

Licenciado em Filosofia - Faculadade de Palotina - FAPAS.


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