
  • Sophia Landgraf Malvezzi Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB).


Direitos Humanos. Conceito. Discurso. Crítica.


This article’s goal is to make an analysis of the multiple interpretations of the concept and discourse of Human Rights, which coexist and frequently diverge on their definitions in Courts and judicial instances. Beyond that, the characteristics of vagueness, generality, disparity, reductionism, circularity, insufficiency od selectiveness which are present in Human Rights were approached. In the complex context of these conceptual divergencies, criticism emerges with the purpose of emphasizing the importance of the protection of Human Rights in a concrete and effective manner, going beyond mere abstract concepts. This article’s main goal is to emphasize the urgent need to improve the protection and application of human rights in our current reality. In order to reach this purpose, the research method utilized was qualitative and descriptive, utilizing documental and bibliographic analysis, collecting data from books, articles and juridic magazines. This approach aims to bring light to a theme of great relevancy and complexity, contributing to a deeper and clearer understanding of the subjects regarding human rights in our times.


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How to Cite

Landgraf Malvezzi, S. (2024). ANÁLISE CRÍTICA DO CONCEITO E DO DISCURSO DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS: RETÓRICA OU REALIDADE?. Revista Ratio Iuris, 3(1), 426–441. Retrieved from