Adoption of Social Media Marketing by Micro and Small Enterprises: An exploratory study in the Brazilian context
adoption of social media marketing, entrepreneurs, micro and small enterprisesAbstract
Purpose: Companies' use of Social Media Marketing (SMM) has been extensively researched in contemporary literature, especially in recent years. However, in the context of micro and small enterprises, particularly in the Brazilian context, knowledge regarding the adoption of this type of tool is still in its early stages. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore factors inherent in the adoption of Social Media Marketing from the perspective of micro and small entrepreneurs. Methodology: Qualitative research with an exploratory nature, involving semi-structured interviews with 20 micro and small entrepreneurs, and corpus submitted to content analysis with the assistance of ATLAS.ti software. Main results: Entrepreneurs perceived advantages of using the tool in general. The facilitator's ease, agility, engagement, cost, investment, labor, and utility, and barriers complexity, investment, engagement, knowledge, and labor were some of the findings, as well as the observation that the use of SMM yielded results such as increased revenue and customers. Academic contributions: The study contributes by exploring, identifying, and systematizing factors associated with SMM adoption, as well as providing support for capacity building through projects, guidance, and the promotion of economic development and competitiveness of micro and small enterprises, thereby stimulating entrepreneurship in the country. Practical contributions: It is understood that there is value in systematizing entrepreneurs' understanding regarding the facilitators and barriers of this tool, as well as highlighting that micro and small enterprises use the tool for promotional purposes, marketing, and increased visibility.
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