Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt: from a friend / enemy policy to plural communities




The aim of this article is to analyze the political theory of Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt, who have completely opposite views. In the first case, it is about the establishment of a totalitarian state, which completely annuls the citizen participation and the exercise of the political liberties of the citizens, thus leading to failure and common ruin. Not so the theoretical position of Hannah Arendt, which constitutes a proposal for citizen reconstruction, where the inhabitants of a given community struggle not to lose their right to have rights, to participate in the public debate in a plural environment and, at the same time, the invitation to resist tyrant rulers - as is the case with Hitler - who led a whole town to disaster and total extermination. Good governance depends on the political concept you have: totalitarian or participatory, inclusive or exclusive, that defends the lives of citizens or persecutes and murders them.


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How to Cite

Nieves-Loja, G. M. (2019). Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt: from a friend / enemy policy to plural communities. Aufklärung, 6(3), p.11–22.