"Not in my family”:

cultures and investments in family, homossexuality and cysheteropatriarchy


  • Marcio Rodrigo Vale Caetano
  • Nilcelio Sacramento de Sousa
  • José Rodolfo Lopes da Silva Universidade Federal de Pelotas/Doutorando


family, homosexuality, cysheteropatriarchy, cultures, moral panic


We believe that images educate us and bring intentions. By analyzing two images posted on Instagram, we realize that conservative sectors have been using the cultural artifact in order to standardize and universalize the concept of nuclear family (cisgender heterosexual, consisting of father, mother and child). Images that educate to the devaluation of difference and lead to the perpetuation and maintenance of cysheteropatriarchy. When considering culture as a field of disputes, negotiations and resistance, the analyzes were based on the theoretical field of Poststructuralist Cultural Studies, as this is aimed at questioning the networks of meaning production in societies. In this sense, recognizing cultural plurality and formulating policies for subalternized and marginalized groups are elements of confrontation and positioning in the face of a reality that seeks to suppress lives and possibilities of existence. The images analyzed show the conservative strategies for promoting moral panic that seek, among many intentions, to promote the nuclear family through marginalization and violence to other family arrangements.


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How to Cite

VALE CAETANO, M. R. .; SACRAMENTO DE SOUSA, N. .; LOPES DA SILVA, J. R. "Not in my family”:: cultures and investments in family, homossexuality and cysheteropatriarchy. Revista Ártemis, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 1, 2022. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/artemis/article/view/61922. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.