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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All authors are PhDs or PhD students (in the latter case, provided they are in co-authorship with a PhD).

Author Guidelines

When submitting a manuscript, author (and co-author if any) should fill out the form with the following mandatory information:

* Name – enter your first name

* Family name – enter your family, surname, or last name as you present it in academic publications and on Lattes.

* How would you like to be called? – do not fill in this field.

* Contact – enter your e-mail address.

* Institution/Affiliation – enter the name of the university with which you are affiliated.

* Short bio – enter your highest degree of education and any other information you find relevant.

* ORCID – enter your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number; in case you do not have one, please register at

Submission is free of charge. There are no submission, publication or processing fees.


 Manuscripts should follow the guidelines for style and format described below:
a) Number of words:between 5,000 and 10,000 words (this number does not include paratexts, such as title, abstract (in Portuguese and in the foreign language the text was written) and bibliographic references;

b) Page margins: top and left margins at 3 cm; bottom and right margins at 2 cm;

c) Title: The title should be capitalized in Times New Roman 14, centered and bold. It should be in English (or in the other foreign language the text was written) and Portuguese;

d) Author: write the word AUTHOR in the space provided for the author’s name. It should be capitalized, on the right margin and followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote (which should not bring any information);

e)  Abstract (in English or the other foreign language the article was written and Portuguese): between 200 and 250 words; use Times New Roman 11, single spacing, and justify text;

f) Keywords (in English or the other foreign language the article was written and Portuguese): use Times New Roman 11 and do not exceed 5 words/expressions; use sentence-style capitalization and separate each word/expression with periods (full stops);

g) Headings: section heading should be in Times New Roman 12 and bold; subsection headings should be in italics and not bold;

h) Body of manuscript: use Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing between lines and paragraphs, and justify the text;

i) Quotations: Direct quotations of four or more lines should set off from the text as a block quote by indenting 4cm from the left margin; use Times New Roman 10, single spacing, and justify the text. Direct quotations in a foreign language should be translated in the body of the text and the original excerpt should be in a footnote;

j) Footnotes: use Times New Roman 10, single spacing and justify the text;

k) Figures (illustrations, tables, etc.): appearing in the body of the manuscript and not at the end, they should be followed by its label, used in Times New Roman 10 and centered alignment. The label should be followed by the word Graph, Figure, Image, etc. and be numbered according to its appearance in the manuscript. After the number in Arabic numerals, add a dash and the title of the figure. Bellow the figure, add the source of the information even when it is created by the author(s). If necessary, add notes, subtitles, etc. for a better understanding of the figure. The figure should be mentioned in the text and added as close as possible to sentence that mentions it;

l) References: use Times New Roman 12, single spacing, with 0 pt spacing before and 12 pt spacing after between them; use book titles in bold and do not justify text. Only the books cited in the text should be referenced.


a) Number of words: maximum of 5,000 words;

b) Interviews should be preceded by a biographical presentation of the interviewee in English and Portuguese. If the interview was conducted in another foreign language, the presentation should also be in that language;

c) Inform the name of the interviewer(s), their email address and institutional affiliation (if any) as well as the date when the interview occurred;

d) Use the full name of the interviewer(s) and the interviewee(s) in the first question and only the initials in the following ones.

e) Use the following page margins: top and left margins at 3 cm; bottom and right margins at 2 cm; use Times New Roman 12 and 1.5 spacing between lines; questions should be in bold type (do not use bold type for the answers).


A revista Graphos abre chamada para um número temático sobre a literatura do Cone Sul – Brasil, Uruguai, Argentina e Chile – que aborde o autoritarismo e suas conexões com outros discursos totalitários no ensaio e na ficção. Serão aceitos artigos que versem tanto sobre as diversas formas sob as quais os estados-nação com forte evolução autoritária têm abordado esteticamente o exercício da escrita, quanto sobre as divergentes ou opostas a elas.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.