Provocação para um resgate na construção das relações literárias Brasil/Alemanha


  • Fabio Ceccheto


Literature response, Brazilian Literature, German Literature System


The present article starts from the initial consideration that, in the perspective of the investigations of the Brazil/Germany literary relations, not always the study of the presence of Brazilian literary works in Germany has been receiving sufficient attention in Brazil. Initially, the natural existence of mental paths is signalized. This fact, in a way, guide the general lines of the critical Brazilian thought in the consideration of aspects of the cultural and literary dialog here in question. This consideration favors the movement that goes from Germany to Brazil, which doesn’t give enough space for the study of the opposite movement. Finally, some historical literary elements are presented, which can base deeper studies of the literary relations Brazil/Germany in the sense that here is intended to be rescued, i.e., the one that goes from South America to Europe.


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